Jang Min-ho expresses his gratitude to his brother and sister-in-law in ‘Pyeon Restaurant’…

2024-03-21 17:41:03

Recipe revealed for Chadol Soupyuk and Mala Chadol Duruchigi

Singer Jang Min-ho is expected to deliver warm emotions by expressing his gratitude to his brother and sister-in-law on KBS 2TV's 'New Release Edition Restaurant'.

Jang Min-ho was shown cooking his own food to express his gratitude to his older brother and sister-in-law, who have always been a strong supporter by his side from the time he was unknown until now.

Additionally, Jang Min-ho creates touching moments by honestly expressing his gratitude towards his brother and sister-in-law during his cooking process.

Jang Min-ho's special dish and heartfelt thank you to his brother and sister-in-law can be seen on 'Newly Released Restaurant', which airs at 8:30 pm on the 22nd.


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