Dolby Cinema, May release booked as a box office hit with cool action

2024-05-03 13:11:03

This screening, which consists of a variety of comedy, action, genre full-course films and the prequel to 'Mad Max: Fury Road', uses Dolby's premium HDR video technology 'Dolby Vision®' and next-generation immersive sound technology 'Dolby Atmos'. You can experience vivid visuals and dynamic sound in Dolby Cinema with ‘Dolby Atmos®’ applied.

Exciting action scenes, from hand-to-hand combat to bullet-riddled chases, are realized as if they were unfolding before your eyes with the vivid picture quality of Dolby Vision, and the spatial sound of Dolby Atmos guides the audience to the center of the action scene.

The ape character's facial expressions are expressed in detail through Dolby Vision, using various cutting-edge technologies such as the vast grassland background and 'performance capture' technology.

Dolby Cinema, which operates more than 290 branches in 14 countries around the world, boasts 'Dolby Vision®', which creates vivid screens with billions of color palettes, and sound that surrounds the audience from all directions. It combines ‘Dolby Atmos®’ technology to provide a unique cinema experience across all genres.


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