How to find the cause of high blood pressure and how to treat ...

2019-12-05 03:11:08

Hypertension is a chronic disease in which the blood pressure in blood vessels is higher than the normal range.

High blood pressure causes your heart to do more when blood flows through your blood vessels.

In other words, the blood pushes the blood vessel walls too hard.

Hypertension is often caused by irregular lifestyles.

Smoking, drinking, excessive sodium, and stress are the main causes.

The only way to measure pressure is.

In particular, high blood pressure does not have any symptoms, so there is no way to determine whether high blood pressure has occurred except by measuring blood pressure.

Good foods are vegetables and fruits that are high in potassium, such as mallow, leek, spinach, chard, tomatoes, kiwi, and melon.

Potassium, which is abundant in vegetables and fruits, lowers blood pressure by discharging sodium (salt-containing ingredients), the main culprit, to increase blood pressure.

In addition, you can manage your blood pressure through proper dietary calorie control, the American DASH diet, and lean eating.

In adults, systolic blood pressure is greater than 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure is greater than 90 mmHg.

In general, high blood pressure is not a symptom, so it is not diagnosed until the blood pressure is measured, and even when diagnosed, there is no symptom, so there is no need for treatment.