Defective humans act as creditors as mother of roses

2019-11-27 23:11:21

Defective humans raise blood pressure  

'Hazard Humans' is a romantic comedy drama about the process of overcoming prejudices with a woman with an abomination, an obsessive-looking obsession, and a defect.

In the drama, Jeon Kyung-kyung is a mother of roses (Shin Do Hyun) who has a parenting business.

Leaving roses with monthly payments from abroad will increase the blood pressure of viewers.

Jeon Soo-kyung has been a short, but navel-like comic acting acting as a landlord in 'Eurachacha Waikiki 2'.


Jeon Soo-kyung, who shows off his great presence in every work with his strong acting power and exceptional character digestion, is expected to show a cold charm unlike before.

On the other hand, the romantic comedy drama MBC 'Hazard Humans', which attracts viewers' attention by casting high expectations such as Ahn Jae-hyun, Oh Yeon-seo and Kim Seul-gi, is a follow-up to' A Day Found. '