Did you choose this song because of a relationship?

2019-11-26 15:31:11

"Mask singer"

Turn off the 24 days advanced to the semifinals in the broadcast MBC 'bokmyeonga king' being masked singer 4 solo amid a scene of masked singer song selection for "to name" IU eyes unfolds on stage. MC Kim Sung-joo last week that "Kim Gura necessarily

I need to know. ”I was interested in the identity of a masked singer.

Despite the expectations of everyone, the masked singer, who was frustrated with Kim Gura's consistent attitude, had leaked a definitive hint.

I wondered if Kim Gura could notice the identity of a masked singer, and there are other masked singers who say they have a special relationship with Demon King Shin Hae-chul.

In the first round, he sang Shin Hae-chul's “Don't Look Sad” as a duet. He said he chose this song because he had a special relationship with Shin Hae-chul.

They are interested in what kind of relationship it is and what the hidden behind story is.