Lee Seo-han apologizes for illegal filming controversy, then provides additional explanation... "It was a staged video."

2024-05-06 09:41:03

Actor Lee Seo-han provided an additional explanation after posting an apology regarding a video that was controversial due to illegal filming.

On the 2nd, Lee Seo-han posted a video taken at a place known as Bang Ye-dam's studio on his Instagram story.

As the controversy grew, Lee Seo-han apologized, saying, "It was a joke between the boyfriends," and "I'm sorry to Yedam and Yedam's fans that the video was filmed at Bang Yedam's studio."

Lee Seo-han explained that he had a drinking party with his friends at Bang Yedam's studio that night, and after he got drunk, his friend and Bang Yedam went home.


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