'Beauty and the Pure Man' Im Soo-hyang attempts to escape after being trapped in Go-yoon's villa...

2024-05-06 05:41:03

Will it succeed?

In order to distract the relationship between Gongjindan and Park Do-ra, Baek Mi-ja took Park Do-ra to her remote villa under the pretext of a filming in Ganghwa Island.

Gong Jin-dan knew of Baek Mi-ja's ruse, but she did not tell Park Do-ra the truth directly, but instead tried to tell Park Do-ra her true feelings by drinking her wine to clear up her misunderstanding.

However, Park Do-ra could not believe her Gongjindan's sincerity and she became angry and tried to leave her villa.

However, she could not believe the sincerity of her Gongjindan named Park Do-ra, and she continued to doubt, and eventually she ran away from the villa.


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