<Kim Ea-na’s impersonal point of view> Are ‘harmful tides’ such as wild boars and cormorants viewed from a human perspective?

2024-04-24 20:41:05

The production crew tried to talk to her grandmother, but she stubbornly refused and showed extreme caution.

Her grandmother, who refused her help, went to the park at dawn to clean, and repeatedly ripped off her clothes, before ending up sleeping precariously on the toilet.

The production team worked with experts to find ways to help her grandmother.

As the number of farmers who were unable to farm properly due to wild boars increased, the village head filed a complaint with the county office asking for the wild boars to be captured, and upon receiving the report, the Muju County Harmful Wildlife Damage Prevention Team visited the site.

The production team followed the capture site of freshwater cormorants, which were recently designated as harmful wild animals.

After graduation, Professor A took the painting Miyeon left at school, painted it over, and displayed it as if it were his own painting.


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