[SBS Love FM] Kim Chang-wan appears on ‘If It’s Hot Ji Sang-ryeol’ today (24th)…

2024-04-24 13:41:05

Daily life revealed after the end of ‘Morning Window’, which ran for 23 years

Legendary DJ, singer and actor Kim Chang-wan will appear on SBS Love FM's (103.5MHz) 'If It's Hot' broadcast today (24th).

On this day's broadcast, a special feature examining 'Kim Chang-wan's time' will be held from 5 to 6 p.m.

Kim Chang-wan, who is loved as a best-selling author by recently publishing the essay 'It's a Circle Even If It's Cracked', which he wrote as a morning radio opening, appeared on the show today and talked about the reason for publishing the book and SBS Radio's 'Beautiful Morning, this is Kim Chang-wan. '(hereinafter referred to as 'Morning Window') is said to be planning to calmly share its daily life after the show airs with listeners.

'When It's Hot', where you can see the passionate encounter between Kim Chang-wan and comedian Ji Sang-ryeol, will be broadcast live on the radio through SBS Love FM 103.5MHz and the SBS Gorilla app from 4 to 6 p.m.



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