Seventeen produces music videos for 4 new songs from best album...

2024-04-24 12:41:04

'MAESTRO' first released on the 29th

Seventeen further heightened the comeback atmosphere by releasing a music video preview image of their best album '17 IS RIGHT HERE' through their official SNS channel on Monday the 24th.

According to this, the music video for the title song 'MAESTRO' will be released for the first time along with the best album at 6 PM on the 29th (Wednesday).

Seventeen stimulated fans' curiosity by showing a wide musical spectrum through the previously released highlight medley video of their new song.

In this way, ahead of the release of their best album '17 IS RIGHT HERE', Seventeen is further heating up the comeback fever by actively engaging in activities such as producing various music videos, releasing new song highlight medleys, and producing their own content.


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