[SBS You Are My Destiny] ‘To-be dads’ Kang Jae-jun ♥ Lee Eun-hyung make a surprising confession, “I didn’t think we would have children...I was even worried about the test tube”

2024-04-24 09:41:06

Kang Jae-jun and Lee Eun-hyung, who are congratulating many people for successfully conceiving naturally after 7 years of marriage, will reveal the daily life of their family of three with Kkangchong for the first time on air in their 21st week.

Kang Jae-jun and Lee Eun-hyung said, “I thought we would never have children.

An unexpected trend was captured in the couple Kang Jae-jun and Lee Eun-hyung.

Jaejun Kang and Eunhyeong Lee, who visited the obstetrics and gynecology department for a checkup, could not hide their excitement at their first three-dimensional ultrasound, saying, "Today is the first day I see Kkangchong's face."


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