[SBS Connection] Ji-seong, “The ace of the drug team, was widely recognized!” Police uniform

2024-04-24 09:11:06

SBS' new Friday-Saturday drama 'Connection' (written by Lee Hyeon, directed by Kim Moon-kyo, produced by Studio S, Soul Pictures, and Poongnyeonjeonpasang), which is scheduled to air for the first time at 10 p.m. on Friday, May 24, is about a story about a person who is forcibly addicted to drugs by someone. It is an 'addiction chase suspense' drama in which a Team Ace detective uses the death of a friend as a clue to uncover the full story of a 20-year-old friendship and connection.

In 'Connection', Ji Sung plays the role of Inspector Jang Jae-kyung of the narcotics team at Anhyeon Police Station, showing polar opposite emotions, from the majesty of an ace detective who receives the trust of his seniors and juniors in the police to the confusion of an ace detective from the narcotics team who is forcibly addicted to drugs. He shows off his hard work and delivers a passionate performance.

Meanwhile, Ji Sung cited the solid script as the reason for choosing the role of Jang Jae-kyung, a difficult character called 'a narcotics detective forcibly addicted to drugs.'

The production team said, “Ji-sung is a model of delicacy in acting after looking ahead to the two moves,” and added, “Please be sure to check out Ji-sung’s passionate performance in ‘Connection,’ in which he puts a lot of effort into making sure the outcome is clear.”


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