[Salty Man] MBC’s new entertainment show ‘Salty Man’ premieres on May 7th!

2024-04-24 03:41:04

Kim Jong-kook, who even washes wet tissues, and Jang Do-yeon, who now wants to live a frugal life, will delve into the consumption habits of the 'revelers' hidden in the entertainment industry.

Led by Kim Jong-guk, actor Lee Joon, actor Min Jin-woong, comedian Lim Woo-il, and broadcaster Sayuri are dispatched to the house.

Lee Jun, who won't buy anything if he can't use it for the rest of his life, Min Jin-woong, a walking king who even saves public transportation (?), Im Woo-il, who collects and wears clothes from people around him, and even Sayuri, who cares for herself to the utmost even though she uses it for her son.

Who are the 'revelers' who raise the anger index of 'salts', such as those who buy without fail when they are hooked, those who spend only for fashion, and those who find their money leaking when they come to their senses, and whether true education will be successful for them will be revealed in the pilot. It is arousing curiosity.


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