[SBS When Any Opportunity,] SBS’s new entertainment show ‘Any Opportunity,’ Lee Kwang-soo, caught between Yoo Jae-seok and Yoo Yeon-seok, releases teaser trailer for ‘Gap Opening’!

2024-04-18 16:41:03

Yoo Jae-seok, full of laughter, asks Lee Kwang-soo, who is sitting next to him, "Are you ready?", filling Lee Kwang-soo's expression with questions.

Lee Kwang-soo, who was aggrieved by Yoo Jae-seok's serious teasing of Lee Kwang-soo, complained, "Why are you looking at yourself and asking Yoo Yeon-seok?", arousing regret.

Lee Kwang-soo then delivers the MC's comment to Yoo Yeon-seok, saying, "Are you ready, hyung?" and makes people laugh by revealing the mysterious love triangle between the 'former partner and current guest'.

Accordingly, expectations are raised as to whether 'Whenever I Can', which contains a secret and mysterious relationship between 'current MCs' Yoo Jae-seok and Yoo Yeon-seok, and 'former partner and current guest' Lee Kwang-soo, will be able to complete filming safely.


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