Aichlin Meadow faints, suspends activities after being hit by a foul ball...

2024-04-18 16:11:02

rest for a while

Chowon, a member of the girl group iChillin, is injured after being hit by a foul ball while watching a professional baseball game and will be taking a hiatus for the time being.

Chowon was hit in the back of the head by a foul ball while watching the halftime performance of the KBO League game between KT Wiz and Kiwoom Heroes held at Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul on the 16th.

Accordingly, the agency KMENT decided to prioritize Chowon's health and focus on rest without any schedule for the time being.

KMENT said on the 17th, "Chowon is currently resting without any problems, but we decided that it is important for her to fully recover through sufficient rest and stability." "Ichillin plans to work as a six-member group for the time being, and we will do our best to ensure Chowon's health recovery." “I will do my best for you,” he said.


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