'Salon Drip 2' Kim Moo-yeol, wife Yoon Seung-ah's boyfriend, "I don't want to make you uncomfortable... maintain a basic attitude."

2024-04-17 15:11:03

MC Jang Do-yeon said, "I saw the two of you doing a Q&A on Seung-ah's YouTube channel. When asked, 'Kim Moo-yeol is jealous,' Kim Moo-yeol said, 'No,' and Yoon Seung-ah said, 'All my male friends are gone.'

MC Jang Do-yeon again assumed the situation where Yoon Seung-ah was wearing long padding and her male friend personally fastened her padding, and Kim Moo-yeol showed his cool side by saying, “It’s okay!”

However, when MC Jang Do-yeon added, "The male friend opened Seung-ah's padding again," Kim Moo-yeol appeared to be frozen.

MC Jang Do-yeon expressed surprise at Kim Moo-yeol's honest story, asking, "Is it okay for your husband to go on a honeymoon with a male friend?", but Kim Moo-yeol said, "I'm not really jealous, I'm rather comfortable with it.


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