[SBS You Are My Destiny] Park Goon♥Han Young, the biggest marital crisis ever occurred?!

2024-04-16 14:11:05

What is the story of Han-Yeong being ‘extremely angry’ with her superstitious (?) blindly believing husband?

An unexpected crisis occurred for Park and Han Young, who had been married for three years.

After moving to a new house, she was enjoying newlywed life for a while when her husband, Park, who is 8 years younger than her, started to lose his hair, and his wife, Han Young, started nagging him.

Not only this, Park also blindly believed in various superstitions related to hair loss, such as scalp photosynthesis, which caused his wife, Han Young, to become extremely angry.

Park was also unable to speak for a while, and his wife, Han Young, was also embarrassed as she watched him.


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