The queen of tears, Kim Ji-won, whose condition has worsened, rejects Kim Soo-hyun's proposal...

2024-04-15 10:11:03

Kim Gap-soo’s extreme choice

Hong Hae-in mistakes Baek Hyun-woo for Yoon Eun-seong (Park Seong-hoon) and gets into his car.

Afterwards, Hong Hae-in, who comes to his senses, reveals to Baek Hyun-woo why he mistook Yoon Eun-seong for Baek Hyun-woo and has no choice but to head home with Yoon Eun-seong.

Upon arriving home, Hong Hae-in hears from Yoon Eun-seong that she is the biological granddaughter of Hong Man-dae (Kim Gap-su).

In the end, Hong Hae-in secures a recording file containing Hong Man-dae's secrets.


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