Kim Seung-hyeon's wife Jang Jeong-yoon, "Do you have female friends in every neighborhood?"...

2024-04-09 07:41:03

Couple chemistry revealed

In the video, the couple Kim Seung-hyun and Jang Jeong-yoon showed a cheerful appearance while visiting comedian Jeon Soo-hee's house.

Kim Seung-hyeon made Jang Jeong-yoon jealous when he introduced, "I have a female friend who raises a dog."

Kim Seung-hyeon showed a cautious appearance while choosing a gift for Jeon Soo-hee, her female friend's junior, and Jang Jeong-yoon expressed her jealousy by asking, "Is this your favorite female friend?"

Finally, Jeon Soo-hee said, "From what I can see, it seems like my sister and brother have overcome all major crises," and Jang Jeong-yoon admitted, "That's right," showing the deep relationship between her and her husband.


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