[SBS Power FM] ‘Trot Bobby’ Hong Ji-yoon “The sisters clash a lot when working on songs…

2024-03-26 04:41:05

I ignore it and call it whatever I want.”

Hong Ji-yoon, who released the new song 'Let's Go GO' on the 16th of this month, introduced the new song and said, "If I want to brag, my younger brother wrote the lyrics and composed this song." When asked by host Kim Tae-gyun, "Is it a very exciting song?", she answered, " right.

In response, YouTuber Lalal asked, “Aren’t you exercising your power as her older sister?” and Hong Ji-yoon said, “I just ignore (the directing).

He praised the song, saying, "It's perfect to sing this song at a picnic or company dinner." Regular guests YouTuber Lalal and U-KISS's Suhyun said, "(With this song), aerobics and spinning are all over," and "It's a song that everyone will like, regardless of gender or age." He predicted a big hit.

Hong Ji-yoon said, “Sometimes there are people who write words in Chinese characters on white paper.


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