<With Teacher Issue PICK> The future is quickly approaching, and the Earth is in the middle of a ‘space war’?!

2024-03-21 15:11:05

2024 New Cold War returns to the ‘moon’ again

In addition to the controversy over Russia's development of space nuclear weapons, the new Cold War phenomenon on land has spread to space due to the deepening hegemony conflict between the United States and China.

The competition for hegemony between the United States and China is spreading to space.

Dr. Ahn explained that in the past, only a few powerful countries competed in space, but now, as space becomes increasingly important for the economy and security, the whole world is focusing on space development, which is a new trend.

However, Dr. Ahn analyzed that many countries around the world are attempting lunar exploration again because the moon has economic potential, including rare resources, and is valuable as an advanced space base.

The United States is currently carrying out the 'ARTEMIS Project', a manned space exploration program with the goal of landing on the moon this year.


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