‘Queen of Tears’ Kim Ji-won, the return of the perfect romantic comedy queen…

2024-03-21 14:11:03

Even the ‘Queen of Detail’ aspect

In particular, she is captivating the hearts of viewers by demonstrating her 'Queen of Detail' aspect, from styling to delicate emotional acting.

Kim Ji-won, who captured everyone's attention with her dazzling wedding dress from her first appearance, exuded the haughty force of a queen with her cool eyes and indifferent expression.

Kim Ji-won combined this change in Hong Hae-in's state of mind with her delicate acting in her eyes, making us even more immersed in her play.

In particular, she touched the hearts of her viewers by perfectly portraying Baek Hyun-woo's possessed expression and her falling into despair as her illness deepened.


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