MBC's publicly recruited comedian Kim Joo-yeon becomes a shaman...

2024-03-21 06:11:02

“I got relief and the paralysis disappeared.”

Regarding the reason why she suddenly became a shaman, Kim Joo-yeon said, “One day, the right half of my body became paralyzed.

Afterwards, he decided to become a shaman, but there was friction with his parents over this issue, and everyone he was close to became distant due to his rejection of shamanism.

He explained that it was an amazing experience, saying, "I had doubts while receiving the Naerim rite, but as I was praying, the image of the great goddess suddenly appeared like a photograph, and the old men I had never seen came in very quickly, as if they were talking to me."

Lastly, Kim Joo-yeon said, "I still lack a lot, but I read scriptures and study a lot. I want to become a true and good shaman and be a good guide (to people).


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