Oil reserves and depletion

2019-10-10 03:11:10

Without oil and petroleum products, it would have a big impact on the lives of millions of people.

Oil made from petroleum is used as a lubricant for objects with moving parts.

In addition, it is used to make fuel for heating devices and is also included in articles used in daily life.

Without oil, it would be hard to have a more comfortable everyday life.

The reserves are estimated at 1.7 trillion barrels of oil, according to BP, a recognized energy company.

Regional oil reserves still rank first in the Middle East, at 47%.

However, because oil is one that will be depleted someday, there is an active movement to find clean, long-lasting new energy sources.

The influence of oil is immense.

Oil produced from petroleum is used in automobiles, and many other items such as cosmetics and paints also contain petroleum products.

Without petroleum and the substances that come from it, everyday life will be difficult.

The Oil Alternative Fuels Business Act is aimed at contributing to the development of the national economy and the improvement of people's lives by promoting supply and demand and stabilizing the quality of petroleum products and alternative fuels.

Amended on January 30, 2009, Act No. 15573 is the Petroleum Business Law.

This can be found in the National Legal Information Center.

Its origins originated in the geological age between 600 million years and millions of years when plankton began to appear on Earth.

In particular, Middle Eastern oil, which ranks first in reserves, was produced in the Mesozoic Jurassic and Cretaceous strata, where most dinosaurs were active.

Most of them are found in the layers between them.